1. The-Learning-Problem



Foundation Oriented ML Course


When can machines learn? (illustrative + technical)




人类学习: 观察 -> 学习 -> 技巧。 机器学习: data -> ML -> skill。


机器学习:improving some performance measure with experience computed from data.



  • when human cannot program the system manually : navigating on Mars
  • when human cannot ‘define the solution’ easily : speech/visual recognition
  • when needing rapid decisions that humans cannot do : high-frequency trading
  • when needing to be user-oriented in a massive scale : consumer-targeted marketing


  • exists some 'underlying pattern' to be learned : so ‘performance measure’ can be improved.
  • but no programmable (easy) definition : so ‘ML’ is needed.
  • somehow there is data about the pattern : so ML has some ‘inputs’ to learn from.



  • Food
    • data: Twitter data
    • skill: tell food poisoning likeliness of restaurant properly
  • Clothing
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Recommender System


A takes D and H to get g.a

Basic Notations:

  • input: x
  • output: y
  • unknown pattern to be learned <=> target function: f : x -> y
  • data <=> training examples: D = {}
  • hypothesis <=> skill with hopefully good performance: g : x -> y


以是否授权信用卡为例:期待的效果是效能的增进,即 g 跟 f 越像越好,越像 g 就越棒。机器学习最后能够得到一个 g 和 f 很像。

  • f 未知
  • 但是 g 跟 f 越像越好
  • hypothesis set H: 包含 good 或者 bad hypotheses。

    其中 g 属于 H(hypothesis set), learning algorithm A 要做的事情就是从看到的数据 data 中,去集合 H 中,选一个最好的出来。

因此,机器学习可以看做是有两个输入:一个是 data,另一个是允许它选哪些 hypothesis?

以后讲到的模型,就指的是演算法 learning algorithm A 以及 hypothesis set 使用的大 H 部分,这两个集合合起来叫做一个模型。

整个机器学习的流程如下图:机器学习就是从数据 data 出发,机器学习演算法 learning algorithm A 要算出一个 hypothesis g,希望这个 g 要和真正的 f 很接近。


  • Machine Learning:use data to compute hypothesis g that approximates target f.
  • Data Mining: use (huge) data to find property that is interesting。Difficult to distinguish ML and DM in reality.
  • Artificial Intelligence: compute something that shows intelligent behavior. Ml is one possible route to realize AI.
  • Statistics: use data to make inference about an unknown process. statistics can be used to achieve ML.

Why can machines learn? (theoretical +illustrative)

How can machines learn? (technical +practical)

How can machines learn better? (practical + theoretical)